
Forgotten Fantasy


Forgotten Fantasy

The story begins in a world where there exists a power know as Chaisma it is manifested by Humans using various talismans. It helps them to manipulate various elements of nature. The Chaisma users are classified in Twenty levels those are as follows : Grade -1 chaismic practitioner: this is the first level of using powers of chaisma which allows the user to increase physical resistance of the body using chaisma and infuse chaisma for physical combat in fists and legs allows to make powerful blows to break trees in one shot ( 2 times stronger than Grade 1)GRADE -2 CHAISMIC PRACTITIONER: this is the second level which allows user to increase the physical resistance to limit of withstanding DMG from heavy boulders and and combat power of breaking boulders to pieces ( 2 times stronger than Grade 2)Grade - 3 CHAISMIC PRACTITIONER: this further increases physical resistance and also allows the user to infuse the CHAISMIC power to the weapons . (2 times stronger than Grade 3)Grade -4 CHAISMIC PRACTITIONER : allows the user to infuse CHAISMIC energy in weapons and various other light Weight objects levitate them in air and control according to will (2 times stronger than Grade 4)Grade -5 CHAISMIC manifestor: allows the user to infuse CHAISMIC energy in surrounding things such as trees , boulders and heavier objects and levitate them according to their will. (2 times stronger than grade 5)Grade -6 CHAISMIC manifestor : allows user to manifest any elemental power such as : Air , water , ice , lightning , fire , rock , wood, light and shadow . Takaemi ich : one who can control 1 element ( normal ) Takaemi Nih : one who can control 2 element ( extremely rare ) Takaemi Sun : one who can control 3 elements ( never know ) Takaemi Devan: one who has the control over 7 elements ( No one ever heard of anyone who is takaemi devan) ( 3 times stronger than grade 6)Grade -7 CHAISMIC manifestor: allows the user to use the elemental power for concentric blows . (3 times stronger than grade 7)Grade -8 CHAISMIC manifestor : allows the user to use the elemental power to form different shapes according to their will ( 5 times stronger than grade 8)Grade -9 CHAISMIC master : allows the user to infuse the elemental power in weapons made of special caslistas material ( 5 times stronger than grade 9)Grade - 10 CHAISMIC master: allows the user to manifest soul strength witch which a Armor can be formed that protects both external damages and damages to the soul ( 5 times stronger than grade 10)Grade - 11 CHAISMIC master : allows the user to control the elements of their respective power which exists naturally in the world and manipulate them according to their will (10 times stronger than grade 11)Grade 12 CHAISMIC grandmaster : allows the user to use elemental wings to fly ( 2 times stronger than grade 12)Grade 13 CHAISMIC grandmaster : allows the user to develop various elemental skills (3 times stronger than grade 13) Grade 14 CHAISMIC grandmaster : allows the user to use secondary elements of gravity , time , teleportation , chaismic pull , mind control etc. ( 10 times stronger than grade 14)Grade 15 chaismic legend : allows the user to use CHAISMIC power for mass destruction can demolish mountains and cities in fraction of seconds (10 times stronger than grade 15)Grade - 16 CHAISMIC legend : allows the user to infuse CHAISMIC energy to make chaismic beasts (10 times stronger than grade 16)Grade 17 CHAISMIC legend : Allows the user to Pass through dimensions ( 500 times stronger than grade 17)CHAISMIC Myth grade -1 : Allows the user to make a dimension where they are in complete control. They can use chaisma to increase their life force for thousands of years (1000 times stronger than mythic -1) CHAISMIC Myth grade - 2 User becomes so powerful that can destroy worlds with snap of fingers (Million times stronger than Mythic -2) CHAISMIC God - capable of destroying and recreation of worlds a Absolute Prime power of chaisma can bring deads to lives has no aging their soul is one with chaisma of the universe . Immortal and can only be killed with............... Now the story begins in a town called Teravan in the district of Varout where the Rohania family was in power they were the head of the town . The family Elder was known as Garav who has the title SherSuratrana ( means King of the Tigers). He was the strongest man in the town he was ranked as Grade 7 chaismic manifestor. He was married into another family with influence to a lady named Savana whom he loved and they been in love for more than 15 years his childhood lover . They had a daughter in 2 years named Arina and then after 5 years Savana gave birth to a boy named Rehan . He was born with a very unstable chaismic energy as normally everyone after the age of 10 using talisman can manifest Chaisma but this boy was born with enormous amount of chaisma flowing inside him such instability of the power caused a serious soul damage to her mother and many great talisman masters were called all across the district and they used various seals but non of them work the power in the boy was to great to suppress and it was important to supress the power as the vessel is too weak to handle it and the boy might die with such raging chaisma . When hopes looked dire a certain talisman master arrived in the house of Rohania he with one glance at the dying boy pulled out a peacock feather and placed it on the child's forehead and uttered a few words quitely and in an instance the Immense aura of the kid vanished he got back his stability. The Annonymous talisman master: well then i suppose i served my purpose this boy is out of danger. Garav: Oh thank you so much great master of talisman. For nights I wasn't able to sleep for my boy who was dying. Annonymous man: worry not young man this boy will once be the greatest man of the century. Garav : Could you be kind enough to have a look at my wife she had a huge damage to her soul giving birth to our son. Annonymous man: I might but you see i can't prevent what is written in the fate and it has been decided long ago and hence it's too late for me to save anyone . Garav ( in confusion) : what do you mean?????? Annonymous man said no word looking at the sky full of stars from the balcony. Garav rushed as fast as he could towards his wife and saw all the house maids are gathered in the room he looked at his wife and saw she was palpitating and her situation looked dire . Savana ( looking up ) : our.... Our .. son is ..... Is he ... Garav ( holding her hand tightly) : Yes , yes he is fine , he is safe , he is out of danger you don't have to worry about him anymore . Savana ( with a weak smile): Ah that .. that gave peace to my soul . Garav : Don't talk we have a master of talisman in our house i will call him right away you don't have to worry you will be safe. Garav tried to leave the room to call the Annonymous man but savana hold his hand pulled and said ... Savana( with tears rolling out ) : Rehan ..... Our son will be Ree..haa..nn ( voice faints away) Garav ( in severe grief yelled out): No no you can't leave me like this ...... Not like this after this many years... He went back to his son's room. He saw most of the family members have gathered there and the Annonymous man was gone . He moved towards the crib where his son laid smiling ,he picked him and with a smile in his face and tears in his eyes said Garav: Rehan ..... my son Rehan.( He kissed him in the forehead and placed him back in his crib) After the cremation ceremony of Savana 10 years past. Rehan was 10 and his older sister was 15. His sister was good with the Chaismic arts she became a grade 3 CHAISMIC PRACTITIONER in only 4 years that's quite an extraordinary progress. Rehan started to learn the Chaismic arts but he always failed to manifest the chaisma in the talismans. Rehan ( annoyed): How come you do it so easily i can't even manifest the basics. Arina (taunting tone): ah well you gotta e smart these sofisticated things are not for someone as dumb as you . ( Laughing) Everyone in the class was also laughing Rehan ( frustrated) : Why do you always talk like that.... Arina : how else do you like me to talk with my little dumb brother a good for nothing the one who killed my mother. From the birth till date you are cursed and you will stay like that. Rehan ( in anger went to attack his sister) :I didn't kill mother. Arina using chaismic powers with a blow shattered Rehan in the corner of the class. The very moment the master of the class who went out ,came in and saw the situation. Master ( Harsh tone): Arina you are forbidden to use your powers while in the classroom that is also on someone weaker than your rank have some shame. Arina: forgive me master i didn't mean to it was just an accident i was practicing the talisman manifestation and then there was a outburst of chaismic ( occurs when more chaismic energy is put in a talisman than its capacity, people with grade 2 and higher have a resistance to such Energy outburst) energy with which certain someone got hit .( Laughing quitely) Rehan ( crying in anger ) : You liar , you hit me purposely. Rehan ran out of the room weeping . Master (Shouting): Rehan ...... Rehan ... Rehan sat down by a river side sobbing. Rehan (quietly murmuring ) : I.... I dint kill anyone .... I never saw my mother . How can I kill someone whom i have never seen ........ Everyone.... Everyone in my house is so mean to me .. I haven't done anything........... Why is it always me .... A voice from the back ," hey hey look up boy why are you sulking ?" Rehan ( quickly wiping his tears ,looking back): who are you? There was a Boy almost the same age of his standing behind. " i am Arikh " Arikh : so what's wrong why by the river side ? Rehan : it's no of your business is it ? Arikh( came and sat beside ): ah well it isn't my business but you know what you should be optimistic about life here take this apple its sweet trust me. Rehan : am good am not hungry Arikh( eating the apple while making a munching sound) Ah.... Your loss .... Mmmm its so good.... So sweet. Rehan ( drooling): ummm Arikh: so you want one don't you He gave rehan a apple.they both sat by the river eating apples . Arikh : so i didn't caught your name Rehan( while eating): it's it's Rehan Arikh : Oh so you are the Rohania family's son Rehan : yes Arikh: so why were you so disappointed. I mean not my business but you know sharing is caring it might feel better like i shared an apple you can share your problem well that will make us even . Rehan ( awkward look): how does that even make any sense Arikh laughing Rehan: i can't manifest Chaisma . Father always told i was born with great strength but i cant do the simple things. Arikh : ahhhh well those are well you know big family stuff and a farm boy we work with ploughs we don't do those only high profiles are allowed. Rehan : have you tried? I mean you can try those . Arikh: then what fight in wars ( laughing) am pretty contented with the small farm down the Garikh hills . Came here to pick some apples. Rehan : don't you wanna get any strong? Arikh: ah well i think am pretty strong ( flexing arm muscles ) wanna try me ? They both arm wrestled and Arikh won each time . They ran along the paths and also went down the hill. Before late it was late noon and they bid farewell to each other and left. Garav: well Rehan i heard you bunked your classes today Rehan : Arina hit me purposely Arina : liar you came between a talisman chaismic outburst . Rehan (shouting) : you are liar Garav: Arina leave the room I would like to have a word with him Arina( taunting): huh, stupid brother. Leaves the room Garav : listen son... Rehan ( in anguish) : why all my cousins and my sister say that i killed my mother i haven't done a thing. I can't manifest Chaisma i don't get it why when you said I was born with powers . Why did you lie ?? Garav (sighed): you didnt kill anyone son. Don't believe them . Your powers well.... Am not ...i mean Rehan : even you don't know about it ........... Rehan leaves the room Garav ( sat on a chair): ah what shal i do. Every day Rehan goes by the river side to meet with his friend Arikh . He took him to his village there he made a few more friends namely Banish , Sunaha ,Govind . 2 years went by. Banish: so you can't manifest that magic thing ? Rehan : chaismic arts , yes Sunaha : so why don't you make your body stronger? Rehan (confused): what you mean? Arikh: like physical strength make your body strong Rehan : how ? Govind: so pushups ,pull ups all kinds of exercise.... Make the body strong so those magicians will be weaker in front of you . Soon after this conversation Rehan started focusing on his body he struggled at first and kept going everyday non stop . His father noticed the effort and felt quite proud about his hard work. Slowly he started developing a extraordinary physical strength his stamina and strength increased by a huge margin. By the time he was 18 years we was able to lift giagantic boulders with his strength. One day when Rehan was hanging around with his friends a bit far in the woods , they suddenly saw smoke coming from the village . They rushed there and saw fields ablaze there were a group of bandits looting the villagers .... Bandit: give up all your things and i might let you live ... Rehan ( roaring) : stop this instance. Another bandit : look look who is her a hero has came to save the village ...... Other bandits laughing. Rehan( taking fighting pose ): get back guys i will settle this matter here. A bandit taking out a talisman," kid do you know what is this ?" Then he threw the talisman over the field and it set the field on flames. Rehan: so you can't control chaisma so using talisman infused with chaisma such cheap tricks. You guys could have found a better job in the circus than being looters. A bandit : too arrogant at this age . Will be pleased to show you your palce. Bandits taking out talismans and weapons and rushed towards Rehan Rehan took his stance and leaped forward. The bandits threw the talismans at him but he was able to dodge the attack. He grabbed one guy by the neck and slamed him on the ground blood came out of the guys mouth. Another bandit tried to attack with a spear from back but Rehan grabbed the spear and pushed the guy back . Another talisman came flying from the other side he dodged and kicked a bandit on the neck and then puched the other guy in the stomach who went flying . A immense combat continued . All the talismans of the bandits were exausted . Rehan was barely tired and most of the bandits who remain standing were out of breath yet the rushed towards him . Rehan leaped and kicked one in the face . Another bandit tried to stab him he grabbed his wrist and twist it he dropped the sword and then kicked him . Three bandits came rushinh from front and two others from side . Rehan picked up a spear and blocked their attack and made a counter attack with the back of the spear . Some got slamed , some got kicked others got punched and after a fierce battle 25 men lay on the ground and Rehan standing till the end . All villagers came to greet the young man who saved them. Village elder : Young man your name? Rehan : it's Rehan Villagers Murmuring among themselves," the young son of Rohania family that's how he is so strong " The village elder bowed along with other villagers Rehan ( blushing ) : Eh eh, no need for such formalities. It was my duty to save the people in my father's area . Arikh: and to think you are the same boy i found 8 years ago sulking by the riverside Suhana : yeah the one who can't get strong Rehan ( laughing) : stop pulling my leg. Village elder commander everyone to stop the fires the situation came under control the bandits were tied up and will be handed over to the gaurds when they arrive . Luckily the damage was very minnimum. Village elder : Young master this might be a big reward or might not be a reward worthy of your eminence yet we would like you to join us on our feast . Rehan (politely) : Ah , call me rehan . And it's more than i could ask. Govind( putting his arm over rehans neck): a feast tonight ... Damn you are so tall i gotta stand on my toes to reach you. Rehan ( mocking) : nah you are just below average. Others laughing . Day went by and in morning when Rehan went back to his house in the hall way Arina was standing . Arina:so i thought you were lost Rehan : i bet you would be pleased if i did Arina: ah couldn't agree more. So slacker were have you been sulking down somewhere? Rehan : is it any of your business? Arina: ah you should learn how to talk to your elder sister ( chaismic aura started coming out of her body) Rehan in fighting stance . Rehan : huh respect is what you must earn and i bet you can't . Garav came in the hall way both of them bowed to their father while glaring at each other. Garav: Rehan meet me in my room i have something to say. After you have your breakfast. Rehan: yes father . Rehan went to meet his father . Rehan : may i come in ? Garav : yes please Rehan : so what is it you want to tell me Garav : has there been any increase in your chaismic level? Rehan ( looking down) Garav ( sigh): tommorow there will be the ceremony for testing the strength of each family's younger generation. Rehan : do i have to be there ? Garav : unfortunately yes . Rehan : sister will be there why do i have to be present? Garav : By the traditions all members of the family must be there and all who are above 15 years must participate in the ceremony. Rehan : huh , well understood. Next day on full moon the night of the ceremony everyone from different districts came to the ceremony hall a big palace with thousands of seats and a huge space in the center . A Talisman master stood in the centre beside a globe made of Calistas ( a special metal which is highly reactive to chaismic flow and is much stronger than iron ) in this ceremony the master will be calling one name after another of the participants and they need to come towards the globe and channel their chaisma through it the brighter the glow higher the grade of practitioner. Soon the ceremony began and names getting called one after another then... Talisman master : Tanhit ( cousin of Rehan ) Tanhit came and the globe started glowing Talisman master : grade 3 practitioner Talisman master: Ruhi( another cousin of Rehan) She came and placed her hand on the globe and it started glowing Talisman master : grade 2 practitioner Talisman master : Bafour ( younger son of Valin family ) He came and placed his hand and the globe started glowing brightly Talisman master: Grade 4 practitioner very well Talisman master : Arina She came and placed her hand on the globe it started shining even brighter Talisman master : quite the extra ordinary grade 6 manifestor at such a young age. Arina : ah it isn't much just hard work Talisman master : kusal ( Son from Gandhari family) He came and touched the globe it started shining brightly Talisman master : ah Grade 5 manifestor well done well done . He bowed and left . Talisman master: Rehan A soft murmuring started in the crowd and giggles. Rehan came and touched the globe and nothing happened. Talisman master : no flow of chaisma ah how come Rohania family's son be like this . Rehan looking down going back In the crowd," hah not even a grade 1 ". Some one else said " how much degraded Rohania family is " . Others said " i can't stop laughing that some murderer like him is still in the household ". Arina covering her face. Talisman master : Silence everyone . Caveh ( Elder son of Valin family ) He came and touched the globe there was a bright light filling the room Talisman master : wonderful grade 8 manifestor . Everyone was in awe to such power at an age of 26. He was the last candidate and ceremony was coming to an end and suddenly Bafour of Valin family came up and said Bafour : Ah Rehan quite an interesting name like the intresting person you are . Rehan : what is it you want with me Bafour : ah just that i can see your father is rather kind keeping a failure like you in household Rehan : will you shut it or shall I shut you down . Bafour : quite the sharp tounge eh might as well see how strong is your fists . I Bafour the second son of Davar Valin challenge Rehan of the Rohania in presence of the moon . Everyone who was about leave the place got seated back to see this Talisman master : a challenge keeping the moon as a witness Son of Rohania do you accept it ? Garav ( panicked) : but. But Rehan : Yes I do ( cracking his neck)...... To be continued.

Shambo Bhattacharya

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